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Degree Awarding Partners

University profiles

Coordinating and degree-awarding university


International Psychoanalytic University Berlin gGmbH, Stromstrasse 1, 10555 Berlin, Germany

IPU Berlin is a fully state-recognized private non-profit university that has been offering study programs in psychology and related disciplines since its foundation in 2009. IPU is placing great importance on the quality of international partnerships with its 30 institutional international partners, including all universities of this consortium, being carefully selected to create mutually beneficial, sustainable and lasting partnerships. The university provides high quality education in the areas of clinical psychology and therapist education as well as transdisciplinary academic offerings in cultural studies, leadership and consulting, and organizational psychology. Since 2018, IPU has been offering master’s programs in English which guarantees a strong foundation for the academic elements in the joint program. At the same time expanding its offering in graduate education with EMJM will enrich IPU’s portfolio and will further sharpen its international profile. With regard to academic excellence, IPU Berlin has been achieving excellent scores in the CHE Ranking, which places IPU Berlin firmly among the best universities in Germany for studying psychology. Because IPU does not receive government grants, it has a very high level of experience with fee-based and cost-recovery degree programs and their marketing – an experience which will help support the Joint Master's sustainability. In the framework of the EMDM, IPU Berlin is taking the lead as the project coordinator of the network and will continue to be responsible for the successful implementation of the project work plan in close cooperation with other full partners. In so doing, IPU has already drawn from its extensive experience in managing a network such as “Social Trauma in Changing Societies”.

Degree-awarding universities / full partners


ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon, Avenida das Forcas Armadas, 1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal

ISCTE in Portugal was founded in 1972 as one of Portugal’s first modern universities, with the central aim of studying labour and social dynamics in a rapidly changing world. Since its establishment, the university has expanded its disciplinary reach into five schools: Iscte Business School, the School of Sociology and Public Policy, the School of Technology and Architecture, the School of Social Sciences and Humanities and the School of Applied Digital Technologies (Iscte - Sintra). The primary goal of ISCTE is to train highly skilled professionals for the sustainable and inclusive development of societies. There is no doubt that as part of the EMJM program ISCTE will contribute specially to the areas of transformative leadership and environment and sustainability. With its 450 international partnerships and extensive experience with several Erasmus Mundus projects as a full partner as well as coordinator, ISCTE has been one of the most instrumental partners in program design. By adding PIAS to its portfolio, ISCTE will in its turn strengthen the international and integrative dimension of its offering in social psychology and organizations.


Università degli Studi di Padova, Via 8 Febbraio 2, 35122 Padova, Italy

UNPD in Italy, founded in 1222, is not only one of the oldest and most traditional universities in Europe, but has established itself as one of the most prestigious universities in Italy and is, according to QS World Ranking, among the top 100 universities in the world to study psychology. As a multi-disciplinary institute of higher education, the university aims to provide its students with professional training and a solid cultural background. The entire academic community at UNIPD is deeply committed to widening the university’s international perspectives. UNIPD is constantly increasing its teaching offerings in vehicular languages: 36 Master’s degrees, 2 Bachelor’s degrees, 1 single cycle degree (Medicine), 24 Doctoral degrees, more than 20 short specialization degrees, and 7 MOOCs are offered entirely in English. In total, more than 900 classes are given in English or in other communitarian languages each academic year. In addition, UNIPD has 45 active Erasmus+ (E+) projects and agreements with over 500 partners worldwide with a budget share of +6ML EUR/year. It also has nine active Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters’. Having already successfully launched a broad array of comparable double and joint degree programs, UNIPD’s expertise in both the designing and implementation of international integrated study programs has been indispensable.


Tallinn University, Narva mnt 25, Tallinn 10120, Estonia

TU is a modern and dynamic research university in Estonia that took a leading role in promoting an intelligent lifestyle through education, research, and a unique collaboration across disciplines. The university has a highly international orientation with at least 17 master’s programs offered in English. It is partnering in 14 EU projects from regional programs and coordinating one of them. The university is a participant of the EU Horizon framework as partner and as coordinator and is a member of four international networks. Its partnership profile of over 500 partner universities is already highly diverse. Collaboration in the current EMJM program, however, allows the university to add strongly integrated international academic element to their portfolio and enrich the international dimension in a new way. Teaching on IPU campus will provide Tallinn’s faculty with an opportunity to apply their skills in a new academic environment and providing an online course will further contribute to Tallinn’s digital academic offers.


University of Nis, Universitetski trg 2, 18106 Nis, Serbia

UniNis is the third-largest university in Serbia and, according to QS Ranking, ranked second among Serbian universities. In the past years, UniNis has significantly increased its international activities by, among others, hosting visiting lectures and promoting visits to foreign universities by its academic and non-academic staff. Moreover, an increasing number of projects focusing on student mobility, summer schools, seminars, and other skill-improving activities have been implemented. Most of the student and academic staff mobility is funded through Erasmus+. Additional funds come from, for example, the regional funding program CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies), bilateral cooperation with Germany in the framework of DAAD-funded programs, the US Fulbright Program, and cooperation with Turkey (MEVLANA). When it comes to the Erasmus+ Program, UniNis has more than 170 signed IIA agreements. Recently, UniNis established its first internationally oriented MA Psychology program in English, which is offered both as a regular in-person and as a distance-learning program, mostly targeting international students from the MENA region and South-East Asia. Being a full partner in the EMJM program with teaching as well as internship elements to be provided integrates UniNis even further into the European Union’s higher education area.


University of Banja Luka, Bulevar vojvode Petra Bojovića 1A, 78000, Banja Luka,
Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina

UNBL is the leading higher education and scientific institution in the Republic of Srpska and the second largest university in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Classes are offered in 66 first-cycle study programs, 64 second-cycle study programs (and two combined study programs), and 13 third-cycle study programs (and one combined study program). Since 2018 internationalization has been defined on a strategic level as one of the main priorities of the university with its focus on integration into the European Research area (ERA) and adoption of good practices of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). In the EMJM consortium UNIBL’s major contribution is to bring the network, expertise and coordinating experience in the field of practice orientation. The Faculty of Philosophy, where the psychology program is nested, has signed more than 50 partnership agreements with relevant organizations (e.g., elementary schools, high schools, health institutes, NGOs within different domains) where students can learn more about community work firsthand. In addition to providing internship opportunities, the partner has been contributing to the consortium with their expertise in quality management and assurance as well as legalization of contractual relationships between the partners. By becoming an integral part of the EMJM program, UNIBL creates a high impact on its internationalization efforts and brings the university firmly further into the European higher education area.


University of Sarajevo, Obala Kulina bana 7/11, 71000 Sarajevo,
Federation, Bosnia and Herzegovina

UNSA in Bosnia and Herzegovina is the largest and oldest university in the country with its roots dating back to the 16th century. It is comprised of twenty-five faculties, three academies and five research institutes with the status of full members, internally organized within six science and arts groups from the fields of social sciences, humanities, medical sciences, natural, mathematical, and bio-technical sciences, technical sciences and arts. Since 1996 the University of Sarajevo has been in the process of post-war reconstruction involving the European Universities Association, European Council, European Union higher education initiatives as well as international organizations. The creation of a contemporary European university that is internationally recognized and highly diverse in its offers as well as in its student and faculty composition is one of the main objectives. Participation of the university in the EMJM consortium certainly fosters this objective and provides an important opportunity for further internationalization of the institution. In addition, the university continually invests efforts in strengthening its role as a responsible institution within its social community, and in ensuring its role as the recognizable center for scientific and artistic work. This effort makes the contribution of the university to the EMJM consortium in the field of practical work invaluable. The wide network of internship providers deeply rooted in the region but simultaneously exposed to international network and aware of European job market needs is coordinated by the university on behalf of consortium.
